Archive for ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Grooming service

Published: Jun 4th, 2020 |
Our grooming service has restarted after the lockdown. If you would like make an appointment or discuss any aspect of grooming your cat or dog, give call us on 0118 971 2007.
Fish4Dogs stockists

Published: Jun 4th, 2020 |
We carry a large range of the Finest premium range and treats in stock. We operate a loyalty scheme where you receive a free bag after making 5 purchases which equates to a 20% saving over the course of your purchases.
Acana and Orijen stockists

Published: Sep 6th, 2018 |
We now stock a range of products from the Acana and Orijen ranges. We operate a loyalty scheme whereby you receive a free bag after making seven purchases of the same product. This equates to a 12.5% saving.