
Welcome To Highcroft Grooming Parlour
We believe that professional grooming for your pet is a necessity. We would like them however to enjoy their groom as a relaxing and luxurious experience. We aim to make it enjoyable, fun, and of course effective. We operate a fully modernised grooming parlour, using the newest and most efficient grooming equipment available. We groom both cats and dogs.
Five Star Grooming Experience
During your pets grooming experience they will enjoy a warm bath and power shower to help cleanse the coat and soothe the skin. The use of coat specific vet grade shampoos and conditioners of the highest quality ensures the skin and coat are treated to an invigorating, healthy experience. This will benefit the finish of your pets coat and ease your aftercare. Bathing is followed with a blow dry, breed specific or pet trimming, ear plucking and cleaning, nail clipping, hygiene clipping, anal gland emptying (if requested).
Our Expertise
Our friendly staff offer a professional caring grooming service with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Before commencing the groom we will discuss with you the shampoo and conditioner that we will use and explain to you the reason we believe this to be the most beneficial to your pet. If your pet suffers from itchy skin, we believe that using the correct products can help to alleviate this. If your pet is matted we will discuss the methods we can use to try and achieve the best possible finish to their coat. We can also give advise on home grooming technics to assist you in preventing future matting.
Your Requirements
We will discuss your specific requirements with you. We will advise you on the breed standard groom for your pet, but will happily discuss and explain differing options that are available to you. If you have any concerns about your pet’s groom, we will try to alleviate these before we commence. The happier you are before a groom, the happier and more comfortable your pet will be.
Grooming Program
We recommend that your dog is groomed every 6-12 weeks to keep their coat and skin in good health. We would love to discuss with you, your pets future grooming requirements explaining any offers that we may have available to support your grooming program.
Puppy Grooming
We offer a free puppy groom for dogs under 4 months of age to ensure that they become familiar with the experience from a young age.